to distance

did you get my voicemail
about grabbing coffee?
it's been far too long.
the though of seeing you again
makes me anxious.
i discovered a love for smoking;
i'm not a smoker.
maybe a handful of times,
i've relished it.
since i don't delight in the prospect of cancer,
i'll keep the amount low.
but coffee.
coffee is my innocuous euphoria.
it's a shame you don't drink coffee.

to new music

it's quite exciting. today i received 3 new cds. both by great musicians, both who i would love to work with at least once in my life, but one i enjoy much more. my friend dave came out with a cd. i love it. it's that simple. he even sent me two copies for the price of the one i bought... with a sweet note included

i think adrienne will enjoy it as well. in case you're wondering, david crowder band's remedy is the second album i received today. it's good, but right now i'm in a david monica mood.

to no one

midnight love
your song
so smooth
on my lips
is a taste
i can't ignore.

the irony i know
is that by this time tomorrow
you won't
remember my name.

midnight love
our breath
mingled here
for awhile

the irony i know
is that by this time tomorrow
you won't
remember my name.

midnight love
your eyes
like pools
of twilight
engage me

the irony i know
is that by this time tomorrow
you won't
remember my name.

to relationships

they come in pairs
these four eyed monsters
mini skirts and tramp stamps
clothing soon to fly
for why should i be bothered
with this nonsense, not absconding
my senses, but pervasively pushing
propaganda toward the very heart
that might shy away.
i scorn these four eyed monsters,
for there are the somber
no sway, no decay, not those
who throw their lives away
for just a chance to be
a little bolder, to seem a little closer,
to feel loved and seem to know
for just a short while
that they might be.
but it's fake
and panic grips my body
to the core i am forced
with no choice to do what i despise.
i'm a hypocrite, my compromise,
i admit, is that i am a four eyed monster

to her

she stood there glowing when the sky opened up. her life was aflame, a burnt offering with power found in her every word. the love in her hands: unmeasurable, each footprint carried zealous devotion. her whole existence was bent on fire that from insatiable sparks, turned to flame. and she burned. she burned loud and bright luscious intensity.

to silence

i imagine myself on a train, other times it doesn't quite work out as well. i had an odd dream when i fell asleep studying for calculus and missed the class. i was vomiting sporadically, and when that ceased i discovered that i had lost everything. i opened my backpack and my laptop had split in half. i started kicking the wall, which spawned an earthquake. the phone rang to wake me.

to boredom

there is thunder and there is lightning. excitement grips his body. trembling with anticipation, he has not heard from her in three days. how thrilled he is at the prospect of never seeing her again.
the hurricane downed on their small village a week ago. small at first, but growing. quickly knocking out windows and busting through doors. the winds howled in agony as the ceiling of the sky was torn off. he hadn't seen her in three days.
on her last visit she left without a smile. he said goodbye without a care. no smoke. no mirrors. no tears. it was the only good good bye he ever experienced. in fact, nothing could be better. he was going to end it. she wasn't right, nothing felt right with her. she was too slow for him. he liked bowling, she would come, and they'd kiss goodnight in the car afterwards.
now he's staring out the window hailing the hurricane while whispering praises to the god he doesn't believe in.

to no one

i wrestled once.
with you. with myself.
i stopped staring at my shoes.
i hesitated. i made eye contact.

those eyes. your thousand story eyes
that could never just stare.
they ravaged my soul with desire.
all is well now.

to myself

you're three days leave from extraordinary
remarked the burning sun as i flew from it
across a broken bridge of empty words
soon to be left behind.

i ran.

what did the sun know of my restlessness?
did it perceive my unease?
could it stand with me in suffering?
i'll keep running.