the rebuttal

so, what makes a subaru a mac? several things:

longevity and sustainability. subarus have a reputation for lasting almost forever. most owners get over 200,000 miles out of their cars. The same car that a person had all through college, grad school, and now into their new marriage. Macs have the same kind of reputation. Jeff, don't you still have the one that you used in college? Isn't it carrying through gradschool and into your marriage? granted, it smells like feet, but it lasted. and not only that, it's still useful.

unique features. all of subaru's vehicles are all wheel drive. now, this is different from four wheel drive, where all the wheels have equal power, which tends to lower fuel economy drastically. all wheel drive means that there is a computer present that controls power to all four wheels. when it senses that one wheel, or a side of wheels isn't getting the traction it should be (like when it hits a puddle or a patch of ice) it gives more power to those wheels. on highways, it gives more power to the front wheels to promote fuel economy. It is the most advanced driving system available. All macs come with the ilife suite and osx leopard. no other company does this. leopard is the most advanced operating system currently available, and offers a slew of features right out of the box that no one else offers.

customer loyalty and brand recognition. subaru and mac owners are both extremely loyal to their cars and computers. they have pride in them and will tell anyone about them. they realize how great they are and want to tell the world. on top of that, everyone recognizes when a car is a subaru. they have a distinct look that isn't found in any other automobile. the same goes for mac.

while volkswagens may be fantastic cars, german engineered, and have a certain feel to them, subarus are far more friendly and accessible. anyone can drive a subaru... under any weather conditions. sounds a lot like how macs work... no viruses or spyware or adware.

you decide what you think. i'm gonna keep sipping on my pumpkin spice latte, while throwing my macbook pro into my subaru and driving off into the sunset. yea, that's right. the sunset.

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