cereal boxes and the toys inside them

i think it would be interesting to note that i have my own action figure. yes. but i also realize that there is also a need to appropriate an explanation. for this, i will shortly do. for some time, my shocking similarities to jeff goldblum have been compared. while i am quite flattered by the comparison, i must say that while we are similar in that we are both famous actors, incredibly good looking, fashionable, great at cooking, a hit with the ladies, and real life action heros: he and i don't carry much similarity having to do with appearance.

now, one might argue: hey, you both wear glasses, have dark hair, and share some other physical characteristics. to which, i would reply: the eyes are the greatest center for similarity in facial features, goldbum and i do not share the same eye shape, eye color, or even eyelash color and density. how, i wouldn't compare olson to any of the members in the swedish band abba, just because they share the same eye color... now, i recognize that there are some similarities, as i have stated, however, none that are convincing enough. for the sake of this argument, i created an account with MyHeritage.com and had them analyze some photographs and prepare a celebrity look-a-likes. i gave them pictures of myself both with glasses on and with them off. the results are slightly different both times. it would be important to note that goldblum never came up. not once. i've uploaded several of the examples here:

1 comment:

adee greene said...

wow - bob saget? hott stuff. can i get your number? ;)