to "my friend"

you are not your clothes.
you are not your hair.
you are not your friends.
you are not your calorie intake.
you are not your latest diet.
you are not your newest trend.
you are not your parents' mistake.
you are not your self image.

you are beautiful.

not because of anything you can do.
but because God created you.
but because God loved you.
but because God loves you.

God provides your clothes.
God can count the hairs on your head.
God is bigger than your friends.
God is not concerned with your calorie intake.
God made food for you to eat.
God wants to be your newest trend.
God spoke you into being.
God made you in his image.

and you are beautiful.


lauren said...

i like this.
we should all be so lucky as to have someone tell us these things.

although, you know, it would be better if we didn't need telling in the first place.

but we're ellen.

Sami Sioux said...

this is beautiful