tidbits of life

my friend liz was studying for what i think was a nutrition exam, a section on infants if i'm not mistaken. she was telling me how when an infant is born it's head is three times as large as it should be, in proportion to its body. this shocked me. what shocked me even more was the fact that our heads aren't actually proportionate to the size of our body until we're around twenty-five years old. WOW. that's incredible.

what's even more shocking about this is the fact that people who consistently consume excess amounts of alcohol (binge drinking... (actually, less drinks than you'd think)) can lead to growth problems. they can range from developmental issues, all the way to stunted physical growth.

i never thought about it. i always thought saying someone had a big head had to do with them being full of themselves... now when people tell me not to let my head get too big, i can honestly say, "oh, don't you worry... i'll be proportional someday." and i can mean it when i say it. in more ways than one.


Hope said...

you can only say that for a few more years ... you better take advantage of it!

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Jeff and Lisa Olson said...

thanks for playing tonight... great worshipfully feeling drums